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Monday, April 16, 2007

You can lead a horse to water

Poor neglected Blog! 2 months, too many photos and layouts to post and I really don't know where to start!Um, with a photo maybe.
World in his sights
My beautiful son. This photo had such a huge response on Flickr, my first explore Top 10 and front page! Flickr is such an inspirational place, amazing.

This one actually won me a prize! I won Childish David's texture actions in the Totally Texture pool's moody comp. I've only had a little play but they are awesome actions, really easy and have masks to remove texture from areas if desired.

So why the title of this post? You can't make it drink, nor my boy. We have struggled with his eating and drinking (lack of) since he was a baby. His paed told us to research gastrostomy tubes (tube into his tummy for feeds)because that is likely what he will be recommending. We know it is time, its starting to cause problems in his little body, more than just being small. We are ok with it, relieved even except for the surgery part. No idea on when a decision will be made, things move slowly in the bush.

Slowly isn't even the word for our subdivision. I just searched back in the blog to see when we sold the front half of our property, you think I would have blogged that, nope! Anyway it was over a year ago and we were told we were nearly there... apparantly we are really nearly there now. We believe it was signed at the titles office last week though getting hold of anyone who could confirm that is proving difficult. If it was (and we really, really need it to be), settlement would happen in the next few weeks. Its not just the house, other things are dependent on settlement. We are so lucky that the buyer of the front half wasn't in a hurry.

A long walk off a
My second explore top 10! Parkdale, Melbourne on sunset, HDR. HDR for anyone curious stands for high dynamic range. This one is a 3 exposure HDR. You take photos with differing exposures of the same scene and then tone-map them with software. PS CS2 can do this which is what I used. You need to use a tripod really, to make sure the different exposures all line up perfectly. I was suprised I pulled this one off as I handheld it, balancing on top of one of the posts and it was bloody windy!

So I was feeling so incredibly homesick for Melbourne a few weeks ago, really, really wanted to be back there. We went down and ended up spending two weeks there. Caught up with most people I needed to, had some awesome times with my family. Jordy loved having his cousins nearby. Lots of shopping and trips to the beach. Met up with the very talented Dale
and her gorgeous daughter. I had lots of willing models for photos, my nieces and nephews especially. The 2 littlest ones just loved the camera! Stacks of photos yet to go through. We had a wonderful time, well until my boys both got sick. Soothed the homesickness for now, for a while at least.

Now I always say I'll post some layouts and never do, I've got a heap of unshared ones so I'll post just a couple.

Lisa Whitney's artsy fartsy sampler

Lynn Grieveson's Bellisimo kit

More next time. Oh yeah and on digi scrapping, I did get my Digital Scrapbooking Mag sometime ago with my Enjoy-autumn leaves layout in it. I've also had 3 more accepted by them (well one is for the web extension of the mag but they pay you the same for it, how awaesome is that!).