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Thursday, February 08, 2007

Kinder Boy!


Jordan's first day at 3yo kinder. How was it? I am quite unsure, he and the teacher have very different opinions, she says he went well, he had a massive meltdown when I collected him and didn't sound quite so positive about it at all. Judging by the screaming, kicking, crying, throwing himself on the ground (because he hadnt been allowed to go into the empty daycare playground, which also happened last week at orientation), I would think not that well, added to the fact that he was outside on his own when I got there. The teacher said he'd only been a little upset for the past half hour or so. I really dont know, we'll see next week I guess. He is asleep now, emotionally exhausted poor boy.

So some more photos -
This one was taken in front of our glass door, worth trying for anyone who is after that high key look but cant be bothered with backdrops etc.

Collecting pebbles

Collecting pebbles

These where down at the river, my boy collecting pebbles, discovering and enjoying.

Little Boy Blue

And after a swim!

In the garden

And beautiful Bianca who started school last week! A big preppie now! We were only in Melbourne one day for an appointment and it was her day off school so I didn't get to see her in her uniform but Lisa showed me photos, so so cute in her huge dress complete with massive school bag! I got this beautiful one of her though and some more cuties of Jesse.

I think there is a few more on my flickr for those interested and now that I've discovered how easy it is to link to flickr photos rather than uploading here, I might even update more often!! If you click these photos you can see them in flickr, most of them will have the exif data on them if you want to view that, it can be helpful when learning manual to look at the settings of different photos (ISO, ap, shutter speed etc). Can give you ideas though obviously you need to go with what you need with your given light.

At lastly yes, I am now watermarking all my images for the web, I had heaps of photos taken off the web and used as someone elses own recently (discovered complete with theif's watermark!!!!) so its there as a bit of a deterrent.


fazzbech said...

Oh, congrats on Jordy taking the big step into Kinder! I'm sure given some more time he will settle in, might take a while, but it will be worth it.

This Wed was the first time my DS didn't cry at drop off and pick up since the 2 week christmas break.

As long as the carers are communicating to you, and if not, then you make sure they do!

What a shame about your beautiful pics being ripped - hope this puts an end to it. Nice to see you blogging again, I've missed your pics :)

Lis said...

Awww...hope his next day is a little steps I guess, for such a big event.

Gorgeous photos :)

Angela said...

Awww... the poor little man. I suppose it does get a little overwhelming for them doesn't it. He will start enjoying it soon I'm sure.. there will be so much to do.
LOVE the photos, and thanks for the heads up on flickr.. I'm going to love seeing what setting you use to get these AMAZING shots... :)

Chris said...

Wow Mel Jordy at 3yr old kindy. I can remember when Lance's early intervention officer told us it would be a good idea for Lance to go to 3 yr old kinder becuase of all his problems and we did it....a huge step and I fully know where you are emotionally on this one having to deal with it all myself as well with all our sons learning disorders. I am sure once Jordy settles in he will love it it may just take some time but having said that and if he doesn't well then you can always rethink 3 yr old kindy.

Mel I must say you are one incredible photographer and I love all these. It's terrible to hear that someone was ripping off yours and creating them as their own....the nerve of that person, anyway just wanted to say LOVE THOSE PICS an your style is amazing you are so very talented girl.

Angela said...

Hi Mel, thanks for the comment on my blog :), and yep I didn't get the one on my last post... I've been having issues with blogger though, but it's free so I can't complain ;).
I do have a uv filter on so I think that is the problem... lol, now I have to remember to take it off when shooting the next candle shots.. once again thanks for your help :)