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Thursday, January 17, 2008

And again!

Look what got delivered here today!


He was stoked to see it "Hey, that's me!" but not that happy to have his photo taken to show it! Got there eventually though.

There is just soo many inspirational layouts inside too! LOVE this magazine.

We are home again for those who follow my flickr, he is getting better.



katef said...

I had heard your little man was in hospital.. so glad to hear you are home again and doing ok!

Anonymous said...

I hope Jordy is recovering well now! And congrats on getting front cover again!!

Chris said...

Although it's been ages Mel hope Jordy is well now and recovered. He really is a handsome boy. Yay to getting on the front cover again although no surprise as you are so talented. Hope everything is going well over your way. :)

Lisbet said...

I have been to your page some times and I like your layouts. I`m looking for a CT team and I love to see you in it but if you don´t want or van its OK. If you are interested – look in my blog for more instructions. If you have someone that want to be in a team –feel free to apply.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the comment on my blog, but I should be the one congratulating you! Two covers, or is it three now???

Anyway congrats, and I am sure this won't be the last cover I see of yours!