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Sunday, November 26, 2006

More photos (what a suprise!!!)

Some from the past week.

The chair in the photo was just sitting at the beach all by itself, so I thought I'd try and get some of him sitting on it since it happened to be there! He didn't want to for more than a second though, no suprise there!

Annette asked what I did in PS to the pics in the Stomping lo, they were just adjusted in Adobe Camera Raw, contrast upped and vignetting, that was actually it on those (one of them is second from the top).

Was going to post a layout too but I'm being summonsed! Next time.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

New Camera!

Keep meaning to update this but I've been a bit scattered! But thought I'd pop another couple of pics on. Finally got me a DSLR! The Canon 400D, love it!

Getting grumpy with the camera!

Thats enough Mum!

Jordan has been telling me for a while that I can take photos with my silver camera, not the black one (before I got the new one!). So I thought I had better get a silver camera! I think it may have been a bit of a ploy though, he knew I didnt have a silver camera. When we bought the new one he said "But I thought you were getting it for Christmas"! He must have been thinking oh no now I have to actually let her take my photo!

And a layout - everything in this one is from Yvette Keohuloa's beautiful The Lucky Stars Kit at

Removed For Publishing

Thursday, November 02, 2006

More than Words

I just can't seem to get any words down at the moment so I give you pictures instead.